1·Excavator sales fell 10 percent in May from a year earlier, possibly foreshadowing a construction bust.
2·A gut feeling may help you make a quick decision, but one study credits the digestive system for possibly influencing our mental states and behavior as well.
3·Enjoy every day even every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again.
4·"By following individuals over time," Salthouse said, "we gain insight in cognition changes, and may possibly discover ways to slow the rate of decline."
5·Lying down and possibly falling asleep may help.
6·It may possibly be, however, that it is the same pewter soldier!
7·Possibly, the original thought may have been that it would play a similar binding role in the immune system.
8·You may experience a slowing down of time, or possibly a nice glowing color indicating danger or safety.
9·Stop and take a few moments to evaluate the information and explore how it may affect or possibly even resolve your present challenges.
10·The rush to protect a possibly non-existent bird's habitat may seem odd: but, if discovered, the creature would be protected by the Endangered Species Act.